Android Studio Deploy To Device

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Click the deploy to device icon next to the @Preview annotation or in the top of the preview and Android Studio will deploy that @Preview to your connected device or emulator. Preview Data Sources API The new Data Sources API allows you to generate previews from your data. Yes you can directly deploy and launch your Android app from within Visual Studio. Skyrim calendar 2018. But your device needs to be configured as a developer device and must allow 'unknown sources'. You can browse the emulator file system with the Android Device Monitor or by installing a. Connect your Android device to your development system using your device's USB cable. You should see your Android device listed under Portable Devices in the Device Manager (available from the Control Panel). For more information, see Configuring Your System to Detect Your Android Device.

  1. Android Studio Deploy Apk To Device
  2. Android Studio Usb Device
  3. Android Studio Deploy To Device
Google is committed to advancing racial equity for Black communities. See how.

Android Studio 4.1 has been released to the stable channel.Download it here.

Android Studio 4.2 is currently in the Beta channels.

Android Studio Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1 is currently in the Canary and Devchannels.

For the latest news on releases, including a list of notable fixes ineach release, also see the Release updates.

If you encounter any problems using a preview version of Android Studio, pleaselet us know. Your bug reports help to make AndroidStudio better.

Android Studio Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1

Updated version numbering for Android Studio

We have changed the version numbering system for Android Studio to more closelyalign with IntelliJ IDEA, theIDE upon which Android Studio is built.

In the previous numbering system, this would have been Android Studio 4.3 orversion With the new numbering system, it is nowAndroid Studio - Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1 Canary 1, or version 2020.3.1.1.

Intellij Version Old Name Old - Number System New - Year System New Version Name
2020.3 4.3 Canary 1 2020.3.1.1 Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1 Canary 1

Going forward, here's how the Android Studio version number is determined:


  • The first two number groups represent the version of the IntellIj platformthat a particular Android Studio release is based on. For this release,that's version 2020.3.
  • The third number group represents the Studio major version, starting at 1and incrementing by one for every major release.
  • The fourth number group represents the Studio minor/patch version, startingat 1 and incrementing by one for every minor release.
  • We are also giving each major release a version name, incrementing from A toZ based on animal names. This release is named Arctic Fox.

Updated version numbering for Android Gradle plugin

Imovie for ios 12. We are updating the version numbering for Android Gradle plugin (AGP) tomore closely match the underlying Gradle build tool. Therefore, AGP 7.0will be the next release after AGP 4.2.

For more details, see Versioning changesin the AGP release notes.

New WorkManager Inspector

In a previous version of Android Studio, we introduced the Database Inspectorto help developersunderstand and debug their app's SQLite databases. The Database Inspector isbuilt on an App Inspection framework that was designed to support differenttypes of inspectors, for different aspects of your app.

In Arctic Fox Canary 3 and higher, you can use the newWorkManager Inspector, which helps you visualize, monitor, and debug yourapp's background workers when using WorkManager library2.5.0-beta02 or higher.

You can now find both the WorkManager Inspector and theDatabase Inspector by selecting View > Tool Windows > App Inspectionfrom the menu bar. When you deploy an app using WorkManager 2.5.0-beta02 orhigher on a device running API level 26 and higher, you should see activeworkers in the WorkManager Inspector tab, as shown below.

You can then select a worker from the table to see more detailed information,such as a description of the worker, how it was executed, details of itsworker chain, and the result of the execution of the worker.


To help you investigate issues from workers that fail execution, you can stopa currently running or enqueued worker by selecting it from the table andclicking Cancel Selected Worker from the toolbar. You can also filter workers in the table by tags you'veassigned to them using the All tags dropdown menu.

If you want to see a visual representation of a worker chain, select a workerfrom the table and click Show Graph View from the toolbar. You can then select any worker in the chain to see itsdetails, or stop it if it's currently enqueued or running. To return to thetable, click Show List View .

Android Studio now uses Gradle test runner

To improve overall consistency of test executions, Android Studio now usesGradle to run all unit tests by default. In many cases, this change will notaffect your testing workflow in the IDE.

For example, when you click the Run command in the context menu (visiblewhen you right-click on a test class) or its corresponding gutter action,Android Studio will use the Gradle run configuration by default to run unittests.

However, Android Studio no longer recognizes existing Android JUnit runconfigurations, so you should migrate Android JUnit run configurations thatyou might save as project files to Gradle run configurations.

To create a Gradle test configuration, select the Gradle template whenfollowing the instructions in Create a new run/debug configuration.When you've created a new configuration, it will appear in theEdit Configurations dialog in the Gradle section:

If you want to inspect Android JUnit configurations that are no longerrecognized, you can do one of two things:

  • Open manually saved configurations in a text editor. The locations of thesefiles are specified by the user, but the files typically appear in/.idea/runConfigurations/.
  • Look for temporary configurations in/.idea/workspace.xml and look under the node. For example:

Android Gradle plugin 7.0

Android Gradle plugin build cache removed

The AGP build cache was removed in AGP 4.1. Previouslyintroduced in AGP 2.3 to complement the Gradle build cache, the AGP build cachewas superseded entirely by the Gradle build cache in AGP 4.1. This change doesnot impact build time.

In AGP 7.0, the android.enableBuildCache andandroid.buildCacheDir properties and the cleanBuildCache task havebeen removed.

Use Java 11 source code in your project

You can now compile up to Java 11 source code in your app's project, enablingyou to use newer language features like private interface methods, the diamondoperator for anonymous classes, and local variable syntax for lambdaparameters.

To enable this feature, set compileOptions to the desired Java version andset compileSdkVersion to 30 or above:

Dependency configurations removed

In AGP 7.0 Canary 3, the following configurations (or dependency scopes) havebeen removed:

  • compile
    Depending on use case, this has been replaced by apior implementation.
    Also applies to *Compile variants, for example: debugCompile.
  • provided
    This has been replaced by compileOnly.
    Also applies to *Provided variants, for example: releaseProvided.
  • apk
    This has been replaced by runtimeOnly.
  • publish
    This has been replaced by runtimeOnly.

In most cases, the AGP Upgrade Assistant willautomatically migrate your project to the new configurations.

Classpath change when compiling against Android Gradle plugin

If you are compiling against the Android Gradle plugin, your compileclasspath may change. Because Android Gradle plugin now usesapi/implementation configurations internally, some artifacts may be removedfrom your compile classpath. If you depend on an Android Gradle plugindependency at compile-time, be sure to add it as an explicit dependency.

Accessibility Scanner for Layout Editor

Android Studio now integrates with the Android Accessibility Test Framework tohelp you find accessibility issues in your layouts. When using the LayoutEditor, click on the Accessibility Scanner button to launch thescanner. The tool also offers suggested fixes for some common problems such asmissing content descriptions.

Accessibility Scanner is available starting in Canary 8.

Support for Jetpack Compose

Jetpack Compose toolkit provides a modern approach to building your app's UI.The toolkit also brings all of Kotlin's benefits, such as helping you to writeconcise and idiomatic code that's fully interoperable with Java.

For the best experience developing with Jetpack Compose, you should use thelatest version of Android Studio 4.2. That's because when you use AndroidStudio to develop your app with Jetpack Compose, you can benefit from smarteditor features, such as New Project templates and the ability to immediatelypreview your Compose UI.

To learn more and get started, go to the Jetpack Compose overview.

Jetpack Compose tooling support in Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1

Android Studio now includes additional support for previewing and testing appsthat use Jetpack Compose.

Compose preview

The following parameters for @Preview methodsare now available:

  • showBackground: Switch on and off a background for your preview.
  • backgroundColor: Set a color that is only used in the preview surface.
  • uiMode: This new parameter can take any of the Configuration.UI_*constants and allows you to change the behavior of the preview to, for example,set it to Night Mode to see how the theme reacts.

Interactive preview

In this mode, you can interact with your UI components, click them, and seehow the state changes. It's a quick way to get feedback on how your UI reactsand to preview the animations. To enable it, just click the interactive iconand the preview will switch modes.

To stop, click the Stop Interactive Preview in the top toolbar.

Deploy to device

Use this feature to deploy a snippet of your UI to a device. This will help totest small parts of your code in the device without having to start the fullapplication.

Click the deploy to device icon next to the @Preview annotation or in the topof the preview and Android Studio will deploy that @Preview to yourconnected device or emulator.

Preview Data Sources API

The new Data Sources API allows you to generate previews from your data. Ifyou have an existing list of data, or a list of themes, this API will allowyou to inject it as a parameter to the @Preview method.

To enable the above features, your module's build.gradle must contain thefollowing settings:

Known issues for Compose preview is currently not supported in Composepreview.

Known Issues for Arctic Fox Preview

Update patches not working for Canary 2

On Linux and macOS machines, update patches are not working for Canary 2. Toupgrade to the Canary 2 release, download and install thefull version.

Android Studio 4.2

Configure app signing per variant

It is now possible to enable or disable app signing in Android Gradleplugin per variant.

This example demonstrates how to set app signing per variant using theonVariants()method in either Kotlin or Groovy:

Optimizing Gradle builds for JDK 11

When running in Android Studio, the Gradle build tool uses the default JDKversion set in Android Studio. In previous releases, JDK 8 was used bydefault; in 4.2, however, JDK 11 is now the default JDK. This update to JDK 11impacts the default configuration of the JVM garbage collector, since JDK 8uses the parallel garbage collector while JDK 11 usesthe G1 garbage collector.

To potentially improve build performance, we recommendtesting your Gradle builds with theparallel garbage collector. In set the following:

If there are other options already set in this field, add a new option:

To measure build speed with different configurations, see Profile your build.

System Trace: Improved metrics for memory and graphics

In the CPU profiler, the System Trace feature now includes newmetrics for analyzing app performance.

Events Table

The Events table is a new tab on the right-hand side of the Analysis pane.This table lists all trace events in the currently selected thread.

New tracks and track groups

More data is now available in System Trace for traces of apps deployed todevices running Android 9 or higher.

BufferQueue (in the Display section)

This new track shows the buffer count of the app's surface BufferQueue (0, 1 or 2). It canhelp you understand the state of image buffers as they move between the Androidgraphics components. For example, a value of 2 means the app is currentlytriple-buffered, which may result in extra input latency.

CPU Frequency (in the CPU cores section)

In addition to CPU scheduling data, we also included CPU frequency by core.This shows how hard each core is working and may give you an idea of whichones are the 'big' or 'little' cores in modern mobile processors.

Process Memory (RSS)

The new Process Memory (RSS) shows the amount of physical memory currentlyin use by the app.


This is the total amount of physical memory currently in use by your process.On Unix-based systems, this is known as the 'Resident Set Size', and is thecombination of all the memory used by anonymous allocations (those backed by theswap file), file mappings (files which are loaded into memory a page at a time),and shared memory allocations (accessed by multiple processes, and allocated bya variety of mechanisms).

For Windows developers, Resident Set Size is analogous to theWorking Set Size.


This counter tracks how much physical memory is currently used by theprocess's normal memory allocations. These are allocations which are bothanonymous (not backed by a specific file) and private (not shared).

File Mappings

This counter tracks how much physical memory is being used by any file mappingsowned by the process.


This counter tracks how much physical memory is being used to share memorybetween this process and other processes in the system.

R8 retrace now available in command-line tools

Available in version 4.0 of the command-line tools, R8 retraceis a standalone tool for obtaining the original stack trace from an obfuscatedstack trace.

You can download this package with the SDK manager, which installsR8 retrace in android_sdk/cmdline-tools.Alternatively, you can download the standalone command-line tools package.

For usage information, see R8 retrace in theuser guide.

New Layout Inspector refresh action

Introduced in Android Studio 4.0, the Layout Inspector was designed forreal-time inspection of your running app's UI stack.However, you might not always want the Layout Inspectorto immediately reflect what's happening in your app, since you might want toinspect a snapshot of your app's layout at a specific point in time orminimize the performance impact of live updates on your app.

Chests of plenty. Pause live updates and refresh the screen capture in the Layout Inspector.

To manually load a snapshot of UI data from your app, first disable theLive updates option. You can then click the Refresh button to take a new snapshot of the UI stack for inspection. The LayoutInspector now remembers your preference to keep Live updates enabled ordisabled between sessions.

Android Gradle plugin support for Jetpack Compose

Starting with Android Gradle Plugin 4.2 Canary 13, only Jetpack ComposeCompiler 1.0.0-alpha-04 andhigher will be supported.

Upgrade Assistant for AGP

Starting in Android Studio 4.2 Canary 5, an Upgrade Assistant for AndroidGradle plugin can help you update the AGP version for your project.

Android Studio Deploy Apk To Device

Built on top of the existing AGP upgrade functionality, this tool guides youthrough project-wide updates/refactorings and includes a preview of theupdates to help prevent potential breaking changes before executing the AGPupgrade.

Support for Safe Args

Safe Args is a Gradleplugin that generates simple object and builder classesfor type-safe navigation and access to any associated arguments. AndroidStudio 4.2 Canary 9 and higher includes special support when working with SafeArgs, as described below:

  • Autocompletions for Directions, Args, and the various builder classes
  • Support for both Java and Kotlin safe args plugins
  • Navigation from source to XML

Database Inspector

Query editor improvements

The Database Inspector includes someimprovements to help you write and execute your custom SQL statements. Whenyou open the inspector and open a New query tab, you should notice alarger, resizable editor surface to author and format your queries, asshown below.

Additionally, we now provide a history of your previous queries. When you click on theShow query history button, you should see a list of queries you previously ran against the currentlyselected database. Click a query in the list to see a preview of the fullquery in the editor and press Enter to copy it to the editor. Then,click Run to execute the statement.

Android Studio Usb Device

Offline mode

In previous versions of Android Studio, disconnecting from an app process whileusing the Database Inspector resulted in closing the inspector and its data.In Android Studio 4.2 Canary 8 and higher, we've added the ability to keepinspecting your app's databases after a process disconnects, making it easierto debug your app after a crash.

When a disconnect occurs, the Database Inspector downloads your databases andthen makes them available to you in offline mode. When offline, you can opentables and run queries.

Keep in mind, when you reconnect to a live app process, the Database Inspectorreturns to live mode and shows you only the data that is on the device. That is,data shown in offline mode doesn't persist when you reconnect to an app process.Because of this, the Database Inspector does not allow editing or runningmodification statements while in offline mode.

New removable setting for feature modules

Android Gradle plugin 4.2 uses bundletool 1.0.0, which introduces a behaviorchange for apps using feature modules: Any feature modulespecified as dist:install-time that's not explicitly marked asdist:removable will become non-removable by default. This new settingoptimizes fusing of install-time modules with the base module, potentiallyimproving app performance for some apps.

For more information on this new setting, see the documentation for thedist:removable tag in the documentation forfeature module manifest.

This section provides a summary of the new features and changes in AndroidStudio 4.2.

Android Gradle plugin 4.2

Behavior change for files

Starting in AGP 4.2, it is no longer possible to override Gradle propertiesfrom subprojects. In other words, if you declare a property in file in a subproject instead of the root project, it willbe ignored.

As an example, in previous releases, AGP would read values fromprojectDir/,projectDir/app/,projectDir/library/, etc. For appmodules, if the same Gradle property was present in bothprojectDir/ andprojectDir/app/, the value fromprojectDir/app/ would take precedence.

In AGP 4.2, this behavior has been changed, and AGP won't load values in subprojects (e.g.,projectDir/app/ This changereflects the new Gradle behavior and supports configuration caching.

For more information on setting values in files, see theGradle docs.

Java language version 8 by default

Starting in version 4.2, AGP will use the Java 8 language level by default.Java 8 provides access to a number of newer language features including lambdaexpressions, method references, and static interface methods. For the full listof supported features see the Java 8 documentation.

Android Studio Deploy To Device

To keep the old behavior, specify Java 7 explicitly in your module-levelbuild.gradle.kts or build.gradle file:

New JVM resource compiler

A new JVM resource compiler in Android Gradle plugin 4.2 tool replaces portionsof the AAPT2 resource compiler, potentiallyimproving build performance, especially on Windows machines.

Starting with the Canary 7 release, the new JVM resource compiler is enabled bydefault.

v3 and v4 signing now supported

Android Gradle Plugin 4.2 now supports APK v3and APK v4 signing formats. To enable one or both of these formats in yourbuild, add the following properties to your module-level build.gradleor build.gradle.kts file:

APK v4 signing allows you to quickly deploy large APKs using the ADBIncremental APK installation inAndroid 11. This new flag takes care of the APK signing step in the deploymentprocess.

Improved instrumentation testing

Starting in Android Studio 4.2 Canary 1, instrumentation tests can now be runacross multiple devices in parallel and investigated using a specializedinstrumentation test results panel. Using this panel, you can determine iftests are failing due to API level or hardware properties.

Testing your app across a wide variety of API levels and form factors is one of the best waysto ensure that all users have a great experience when using your app.

To take advantage of this feature:

  1. Select Modify Device Set in the target device dropdown menu (in thetop-center of the IDE).

  2. Select the target devices and click OK.

  3. Select Multiple Devices in the target device dropdown menu and run yourtests.

To view your test results in the Run panel, go toView > Tool Windows > Run.

The new test results panel allows you to filter your test results by status,device, and API level. Additionally, you can sort each column by clicking theheader. By clicking on an individual test, you can view logs and deviceinformation individually for each device.

Apply Changes

To help you be more productive as you iterate on your app, we've made thefollowing enhancements to Apply Changes for devices runningAndroid 11 or higher:

Support for additional code changes

For devices running Android 11 or higher, you can now add staticfinal primitive fields and then deploy those changes to your running app byclicking either Apply Code Changesor Apply Changes and Restart Activity. Audio to midi logic x.

You can now also add resources and then deploy those changes to your running appon Android 11 devices by clicking Apply Changes and RestartActivity.

ANDROID_SDK_HOME environment variable deprecated

The ANDROID_SDK_HOME environment variable is deprecated and has beenreplaced with ANDROID_PREFS_ROOT. For more information, see Emulator Environment Variables.

Known Issues for 4.2 Preview

This section describes current known issues in Android Studio 4.2 Preview.

Native Memory Profiler: Profiling app startup disabled

Profiling native memory on app startup has been disabled. This option will beenabled in an upcoming release.

As a workaround, you can use the Perfetto standalone command-line profiler to capture startup profiles.

Studio doesn't start after installing Canary 8

After upgrading Android Studio to 4.2 Canary 8, the IDE may not start forcertain users who set custom VM options in the .vmoptions file. To workaround this issue, we recommend commenting out custom options in .vmoptions(using the '#' character). The .vmoptions file can be found in thefollowing locations:




~/Library/Application Support/Google/AndroidStudioPreview4.2/studio.vmoptions



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